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The Master Suite

The Master Suite is certainly the most spectacular room in the whole house.

As you enter it from the hallway you are struck at once by the magnificant circular art-deco window above the bed, looking to your left you see the wonderful views out to sea.

As you walk into the room, you will be taken in by the sheer size of this room, with the fitted wardrobes all along the wall on one side and triple aspect light flooding into the room from the expanse of windows. At one end there is a place to sit, which hides a single mattress in its base, in case you have young family sharing the room, and to the right is a red chaise longue, complementing the decadent space offered in this bedroom. There is a also a door into the upstairs sun-room.

Although there are curtains throughout, we recommend you leave the ones facing the sea open, if you can. There is something special to wake with the sun rising above the sea;  it never ceases to fill us with excitement; you will know you are staying somewhere special when you see it.



  • Stunning stained glass windows
  • Comfortable king size bed
  • Triple Aspect
  • Panoramic Sea Views
  • Stunning sun rise vistas
  • Chaise Longue
  • Original 1930s Art Deco dressing table
  • Antique telescope pointing out to sea
  • Floor to ceiling fitted wardrobes

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